Raleigh vintage frame fixie with classy matching cognac saddle and tape. I would probably further trick this out with colored walls and vanity crankset. What can I say I'm soooooooo vain.

Fuji Feather 2010 fixie. How hot is this frame.

Vintage Schwinn Traveler conversion. Hate the tape, love everything else. How fresh would this look with robin's egg tape and a white back rack and basket.

Republic Bikes custom converter. I would get a different set of bars for this, probably just classic rams. Sexy, non?
If you thought I'd leave you without showing yet more bike helmets that don't look foolish, you haven't been reading this blog very long have you. The Homeric quest to find a perfect helmet continues.

The new Bern Brighton covers if pink and aqua are your thing and really, whose thing are they not.

These Giros come in a lot of nice colors and are super light. Look at the awesome gold script! My quest may soon be drawing to a close.