Just give everything away. Any question today I respond to with a 'Yes'. Why not?
These are things I want to give away today.
Free Ideas:
2. There is an abandoned church on 29th and State. Enter this church and fill it with 100 white helium balloons. Don't document it. Just leave when you are done.
3. Here is a packet of art theory readings that will maybe change your life. I hope they do.
Bertolt Brecht, “Popularity and Realism”
Lukacs, "The Ideology of Modernism"
Arlene Croce, "Discussing the Undiscussable"
Did you hear that the longest tunnel in the history of mankind was completed today? Enough rock quarried from the Alps to make 5 Egyptian pyramids all over again. The Swiss official on the radio, his voice saying,
"we're number 1 in tunnels".
Lee Miller, From the Top of the Great Pyramid, 1937
Bertolt Brecht, “Popularity and Realism”
Lukacs, "The Ideology of Modernism"
Arlene Croce, "Discussing the Undiscussable"
Did you hear that the longest tunnel in the history of mankind was completed today? Enough rock quarried from the Alps to make 5 Egyptian pyramids all over again. The Swiss official on the radio, his voice saying,
"we're number 1 in tunnels".

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