
Despues de las Fiestas

Y cuando todo el mundo se iba
y nos quedábamos los dos
entre vasos vacíos y ceniceros sucios,

qué hermoso era saber que estabas
ahí como un remanso,
sola conmigo al borde de la noche,
y que durabas, eras más que el tiempo,

eras la que no se iba
porque una misma almohada
y una misma tibieza
iba a llamarnos otra vez
a despertar al nuevo día,
juntos, riendo, despeinados.

after the party

And when everyone had gone,
and just the 2 of us were left
amid the empty glasses and dirty ashtrays

how beautiful it was to know that you were
there like an oasis,
alone with me at the edge of night,
and you were everlasting, you were more than time,

you were the one that didn't leave,
because one pillow,
one shared warmth,
would call us again
to wake to a new day,
together, laughing, disheveled.

(transl. mine)

--Julio Cortázar, de Salvo el Crepúsculo (1984)

these poems have beautiful mouth-feel in spanish, read them like that even if you don't speak, read them aloud.

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